Saturday, December 6, 2008

In Defense of Bush

A reader (one of millions I'm sure) pointed me to this article about the great work President Bush has done in regards to fighting AIDS. I've been critical of Bush here and I'm still not a big fan of his, but since I have made posts about Matthew 25 and "helping the least of us" and "the sick" I should give credit where credit is due.

Please, no comments on how it isn't really his money or that it could be considered a forced transfer of wealth. She specifically calls out those on the left - those who have no problem spending other people's money (see bailouts).

Mona Charen:

But for the most part, the beautiful people in America — the Hollywood and the university types, the book and magazine publishers, and of course, the major media — have shown complete indifference to George W. Bush’s dedication to a cause they purport to value. In fact, they’ve pointedly ignored it. It goes without saying that if Obama does even half of what Bush has done for AIDS sufferers in Africa, he will be — in the eyes of those same people — a candidate for canonization. Of course the Left can say whatever they like about George Bush and the war in Iraq and the war on terror. But when he does something completely in line with their own stated principles and values, it is simply mean-spirited of them to deny him his due.

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