Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Irrational Drug Laws

Florida has recently published some research findings on what drugs cause the most deaths. In summary, legal drugs kill far more people than illegal drugs. Also, parents and ad councils on tv and billboards constantly try to scare people away from using the dangerous drug of marijuana. Well, the reefer maddness was responsible for zero (0) deaths in Florida. Why is it illegal again?

Once again, it is obvious the war on drugs has been a complete failure.

The Florida report analyzed 168,900 deaths statewide. Cocaine, heroin and
all methamphetamines caused 989 deaths, it found, while legal opioids — strong painkillers in brand-name drugs like Vicodin and OxyContin — caused 2,328.
Drugs with benzodiazepine, mainly depressants like Valium and Xanax, led to 743 deaths.
Alcohol was the most commonly occurring drug, appearing in the bodies of 4,179
of the dead and judged the cause of death of 466 — fewer than cocaine (843) but
more than methamphetamine (25) and marijuana (0).

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