Thursday, June 5, 2008


For all of you out there who believe that Jesus is going to be returning to earth soon and are worried about family and friends left behind - worry no more.

A company called You've Been Left Behind has created an email service where if the rapture occurs, an email will notify left behind family and friends where you are and what they can do to be saved!

The email will be sent out 6 days after the rapture occurs...but how does it know when? Apparently, there are 5 members that login to the site each day but if three of them do not login within 6 days, the email alerts are triggered. Oh, and by the way, the service is $40 a year.

There are some good arguments the rapture is not meant to be taken literally but incase you believe, doesn't this seem strange? First, how does the staff of the company know that atleast 3 of their 5 members are going to be taken up in the rapture? I guess they must be some pretty special people. Second, they say the service is to inform left behind loved ones of where you are. If this really did occur and millions of people vanished at once, I think there would be atleast one person left behind who could explain what is going on. I'm sure the personalized email message would set them at ease. Look at it from their perspective. Millions upon millions have vanished, the world is in chaos, yet an informative email is going to make someone think, "Oh, they were raptured to Heaven...thanks Bob, now I can go on with my life." Finally, what if 3 of those 5 people die suddenly and the emails are sent out. That will be embarrassing. I guess some family members will know Bob secretly thinks they are going to hell. I'm sure that will make for an awkward moment.

Once again, it seems someone is looking to make an easy buck off of some gullible people. What a shame but hey, like PT Barnum says "a sucker is born everyday."

I'm sure this concept is set to become a footnote on "Its the end of the world as we know it."

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