Friday, October 10, 2008

Beware of the Left!!

It is common to hear GOP ideologues trying to spread fear and panic stating that "if Obama gets elected, we will have the furthest left-leaning government ever." Meanwhile, these same people in the GOP have never made a fuss over the policies of George W. Bush and the current GOP enablers.

Once again, Andrew Sullivan keeps them in check:

Have you seen the deficit? Have you seen the nationalization of the financial sector? The occupation of foreign lands in order to democratize them? The Medicare prescription drug entitlement? Have you checked government spending? Have you seen the growth of earmarks? Yes: Obama is prepared to tolerate legal abortion and doesn't want to strip gay couples of all rights - as in every other developed country in the West. But under Bush, the abortion regime remained in place and gay couples got legally married in Massachusetts and California - and in several countries around the world. What is Lowry's point? And when will he get a clue?

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