Tuesday, October 21, 2008

GOP - Abandon Ship!

I've frequently pointed out the many conservatives and Republican Party members who have endorsed Obama and become fed-up with the GOP and its so called "conservative" movement.

Today a poll came out showing that Obama has the vote of 22% of conservatives. Is it the appeal of Obama? Perhaps. Is it that conservatives don't have a party to belong to anymore? Perhaps. I'm guessing it is a little of both.

If the GOP doesn't restructure and redefine its principles, the party will be relegated to the history books, yet it appears that the far-right is digging in even deeper.

Here is Larry Gellman talking about the plight of the GOP and its ideologues.

In their passionate determination to vilify Obama and the Left, they have ignored the fact that the most devastating critiques of McCain and Palin have come from their own ranks. Conservatives and Republicans such as Charles Krauthammer, David Brooks, Kathleen Parker, George Will, and Christopher Buckley have all expressed their disgust with McCain's selection of Palin, his gutter campaign tactics, and his lack of the temperament, judgment, and ability to be president.

When the party culture became infected with the Bush/Rove/Cheney virus, it began to morph into a divisive force that possessed none of those qualities. Now the mass exodus is underway. Anyone who is fiscally conservative can't call himself a Republican anymore. Anyone who is a religious Christian can't honestly be part of this since Jesus preached about caring for the sick and the poor--not about eliminating reproductive choice or issues related to same-sex marriage. There's nothing Christian about the agenda of the Religious Right--it's a totally political movement focused on issues that Jesus never mentioned and they ignore the issues about which Jesus preached constantly. Anyone who believes in honesty or competence in government wouldn't call themselves a Republican after Bush. And now, no one who is not a committed soldier in the Holy War against the Left is welcome either.

Good riddance, but I pray that another party or a new Republican party emerges in these coming years. Even though the last few years of GOP trainwreck has been close to intolerable, that will be nothing in comparison to a Democratic party in power without the threat of a viable alternative.

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