Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Cautious On McCain

It's almost certain the election will be McCain v. Obama in the fall, but I have yet to decide between those two. McCain's stance on the war is suicidal, yet Obama has his liberal moments.

If you lean toward the conservative/libertarian side like myself, one would think voting for McCain is a shoe-in, however he appears to be taking some heat, especially from libertarians. It just goes to show how far removed the GOP is from true conservative principals and values these days.

Matt Welch from Reason Magazine and an author on a book about McCain took out an op-ed in the NYT to discuss the dangers of a McCain presidency.

Like many country-first, party-second military officers who began second careers in Washington, Mr. McCain is often mischaracterized as a politician without any identifiable ideology. But all of his actions can be seen as an attempt to use the federal government to restore your faith in ... the federal government. Once we all put our shoulder on the same wheel, there’s nothing this country can’t do.
It can be a bracing approach when his issues line up with yours — I, for one, would welcome President McCain’s unilateral wars on pork-barrel spending and waterboarding — but it’s treacherous territory for those of us who consider “the pursuit of happiness” as something best defined by individuals, not crusading presidents-to-be.

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