Saturday, March 8, 2008

Moving Towards Equality

This fall, a ban on affirmative action will head to the ballot in 5 states. And thank God the states are stepping up and not waiting for an expensive, most-likely failed attempt by the federal government.

Ward Connerly who heads the American Civil Rights Coalition is black and Native American. He beleives affirmative action creates resentment. He gave the example of college admissions where a Caucasian student might be denied admission in favor of a black student with a lower grade-point average. "It's foolish not to think that the kid who is turned away is not going to ... resent that."

Exactly the point. If someone knows affirmative action is in effect, anytime one sees a minority working in an elevated position or accepted to an elite school, one is skeptical they reached that point solely on merit. It discredits the true acheivements of minorities.

Ward continued, "If it was wrong when I was born in '39 ... it's wrong now," he said. "If it was wrong to do it against a brown-skinned man, it's wrong to do it against a white man."

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