Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ready to Lead on Day What?

Today, the Washinton Post's article titled "Even in Victory, Clinton Team Battles Itself" presents the most in-depth analysis and coverage of a political campaign so far this season. It is definately worth the read.

If you look at it, you will see all the mistakes, the complete and utter chaos, and arrogance of the Clinton Campaign. How is it that Clinton still claims to be the candidate "ready to lead on day one" when she still isn't ready to lead her campaign on day 300? The mind reels.

Neither candidate has serious executive experience inside or outside of government. This is why running the campaign is so important in this race. It demonstrates how they will lead and what kind of leader they will become if elected. If you want to see an experiment in failed executive leadership, look no further than how the Clinton campaign has been run over this past year.

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