Thursday, February 21, 2008

30 Day Sex Challenge

The news is a couple of days old, but a pastor from a Church in Florida has challenged the members of his church to have sex for 30 consecutive days.

In an effort to combat increasing divorce rates, Pastor Paul Wirth has told married church members to have sex 30 days straight to form the habit and increase their marriage bond.

If this is an effort by the church to embrace the topic and discussion of sex within its congregation I think it is comendable, but paint me skeptical. It just seems like another flash in the pan type PR event to show the church is "hip" and "in touch."

Perhaps before pastors create these types of challenges they should think about the biological obstacles their challenge faces. For one, the menstrual cycle for a woman is every 28 days. Is the pastor condoning sex during menstration? I hope not since 1) it registers on the gross factor and 2) The Bible strictly prohibits sex during the period.

Secondly, isn't marriage about much more than sex? Sure, sex is great and can help form a bond, but in the big picture, sex isn't what makes people get married and it isn't what keeps people married together. Marriage is a far deeper bond than that created by sex. I think the church is doing a disservice to the institution of marriage by passing it off as only the cheap physical bond between two people.

Unfortunately, the Church is the loudest voice saying that homosexuals pose the biggest threat to marriage and homosexual marriage will cheapen the institution. Yet, this news is circulating around the country. It is no wonder the Church in America is moving closer and closer to irrelavancy. What a shame.

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